Feb 232019

A little mood music …

So I know no one really drops by here anymore—myself included. It’s been a while since I conjured up any fresh content (as the hipster marketers now call it), and rayality has gone fallow.

I can bore you with what happened—got distracted, got depressed, got lazy, got lost, got excuses like Cool James got rhymes—but you don’t want to read that. Well, I don’t want to type any of that, to be honest. And if you can’t be honest on the intrawebz, well …

So if you’ve read this far, you’re probably waiting for something entertaining or stupid to happen. Or something stupidly entertaining …

Me too!

To paraphrase KISSBlogging is like a muscle and you make me want to flex! 

Okay, that doesn’t quite work like it did in my head. But nothing really works like it does in my head, so no surprise there.

Essentially, I’ve been sorta floundering lately in terms of creativity. I have a half-dozen different projects started, and another two or three I’m trying to bring to the front burner, and sorta failing at all of them. And I think it’s because I’m out of practice. One good thing about the heyday of my blogging is that it kept my brain churning up new stuff. And not forcing myself to post at least once a week has let my brain get mushier than my midsection.

That being said, a few weeks ago, I started doing a bit of cross-training in addition to my running. I still hate exercising, but I always like having exercised—and the results afterward. I have a little more energy, a little more motivation, a little less flab. I mean, I’m not jacked enough that I could compete on the Titan Games …

But with small steps, I’m going in the right direction.

So I had a mini-epiphany today that maybe if I tried crafting a blog post or two, I could get my brain going again. And as I’ve been typing this, it’s actually been working. I’m feeling all those feels that used to sweep over me when I have my writing swerve on.  That or it’s the impending stroke being fueled by the second 5-Hour Energy of the day that I just popped. (I’d say, “Kids, don’t try this at home” … but I am at home.)

Anyone else smell toast?

So keeping with the theme, rather than talk about all the bad things that seem to be making a comeback lately (Nazis, measles, defending indefensible behavior, etc.), I’ll swing it around to some of the good things that are due for a second act.

In fact, here are …

The Top 5 Things Overdue For a Comeback

Normally I’d do 10, but I’m still easing back into the groove.

1. Debbie (or Deborah) Gibson—My one-time future wife (and maybe once-again future wife as we’re both single now!) hasn’t been at the top of the charts in a bit. When I actually interviewed her a few years back, she said she was waiting for her “big, Cher-like comeback hit.” Debbie will be turning back time this year as part of the “MixTape 2019” tour with NKOTB, Salt-n-Pepa, Tiffany, and Naughty by Nature, which is coming to Connecticut in July. Backstage passes anyone? I’ll just leave this here in the meantime …

2. The New York Jets—I’m sorry, did you forget you’re in rayality? Eight years since the playoffs, so they are more than overdue and I’m not getting any younger! (Although other than Keanu Reeves, who is?)

3. Journalism—If only I could think of an example of how digging old-school into a story for sources and facts—oh, such as about a presidential candidate’s claims—rather than giving them an open platform to spew countless lies just to get more clicks and higher ratings, could have an impact on the world. If only …

4. That white leisure suit I had in the ’70s with Washington crossing the Delaware emblazoned on the back—Around the time of the U.S. bicentennial (1976, for your math-challenged dweebs), there were lots of interesting fashion … uh … choices, including the particularly hip set of aforementioned threads that my parents had bought me. Essentially, think this, but on the back of the coolest clothes that era could produce.


I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but if I had that bad boy back now, I’d be cooler than that block of ice in that image!

5. Fred Rogers—Not sure how to make this actually happen without a oujia board, a goat’s heart and the blood of Nikola Tesla, but we can sure use a heaping dose of civility and decency. Without hopping too high atop my soapbox, let’s just say being kind to others, listening to one another, focusing on the positive, and treating strangers like our neighbors might be a good place to start. At least there’s this, which I cannot recommend highly enough.

All right … my left arm is tingling, there’s this shiny light and—hey, is that …GRANDMA HELEN?! Gotta go!