Sep 052012

How about a little musical accompaniment for this week’s jerk?

Ah, Midnight Oil … who *is* going to save you?

Certainly not this week’s JERK OF THE WEEK, who thinks there’s nothing as precious as a hole in the ground …


If you’re not familiar with this charming sheila from the land down under, Rinehart is one of the richest women in the world, earning an estimated $600 PER SECOND from the mining concerns she’s inherited from her father, the late Lang Hancock. She currently has a net worth of about $18 billion, but that number continues to increase rapidly. She’s single, for what it’s worth … which apparently is quite a bit.

Anyway, simply being rich doesn’t make one a jerk—if it was, to paraphrase Rep Tavier from Fiddler on the Roof—I should be so cursed. No, Ms. Rinehart earns this week’s title for apparently not having enough money.

From NPR:

Nothing ignites controversy like having one of the world’s richest women tell her fellow Australians that they need to cut labor costs in order to compete with Africans who are “willing to work for less than $2 a day.”

Georgina “Gina” Rinehart, who the BBC says earns about $600 a second from the mining company she inherited, says in a video she posted on the website of the Sydney Mining Club that Australia is just too costly for businesses such as hers and that she worries “for this country’s future” because it’s so much less expensive to mine and manufacture elsewhere.

“Business as usual will not do,” she says, in the pitch for lower taxes and creation of a special economic zone.

Apparently, the 1 percent isn’t confined to the good ol’ U.S. of A.

Here’s the full video where she essentially tells Australians that she’s may not be able to afford to do business in their country any more if workers insist on being paid living wages. Nice.

Well, she has clearly struck jerk gold here in rayality. Enjoy!

And if you want to mine for jerks, can I recommend Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History, which comes out on Sept. 18. Dig deep in your pocket and pre-order it now at

Aug 292012

Here’s one you really can’t make up, a person who will no doubt also win a Darwin Award in addition to being named JERK OF THE WEEK!

This week’s “winner” is:


I don’t have a picture of the late Mr. Tenley, so this will have to do.

What is this, you ask? It’s a ghillie suit, a 3-D camouflage outfit sometimes used by military snipers. Apparently, the 44-year-old Tenley was wearing one at the time of his unfortunate demise. And no, he wasn’t mistakenly shot by a hunter—he was run over by two cars out in Big Sky country.

I’ll let the NBC news affiliate in lovely Kalispell, Montana, tell the story.

Troopers say [Tenley] was in the right-hand lane of Highway 93 South when a 15-year old Somers girl hit him.

“He probably would not have been very easy to see at all,” said Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Jim Schneider.

Another car swerved, and a third car, troopers say driven by a 17-year old Somers girl, ran him over.

“It appears the pedestrian was well into the driving lane,” said Schneider. Officials closed Highway 93 for two hours on Sunday night, as firefighters directed traffic and officers investigated. What they found is troubling.

“According to his companions, he was out there in the ghillie suit attempting to incite a sighting of Bigfoot, to make people think they had seen a Sasquatch.

But, dispatchers received no calls of the sort, just the one that sent emergency crews rushing to the scene. Sunday night’s investigation is ongoing. Troopers say Tenley likely drank alcohol yesterday, but they’re still waiting on toxicology results to see if he was impaired.

Poor Sasquatch—why do we continue to besmirch your noble name? Somewhere, Bobo weeps …

Seriously, although your first impulse is to laugh about how this possibly drunken idiot got himself killed—and really, you probably should—the tragedy here and why Tenley is the jerk of the week is because not one, but two teenaged girls are most likely absolutely traumatized for life by accidentally killing another human being with their motor vehicles. Yeah, it was a joke gone awry and certainly neither one’s fault, but I’m pretty sure they’ll never forget that nightmarish, sickening feeling of hearing a body slam against your car as the life is knocked out of it. Just an awful experience.

It can’t really compare, but I ran over a woodchuck on the Taconic Parkway about 15 years ago and I can still vividly recall the sick thuds as it bounced between the pavement and the car floor as I passed over it. Ugh.

And yes, posthumously calling Tenley a “jerk” is absolutely a case of “speaking ill of the dead,” which is ideal as my Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History comes out in on Sept. 18. Rather than wait for a Bigfoot to show up with it, you may just want to pre-order it now at

Aug 222012

This week’s JERK OF THE WEEK is a no-brainer—

Todd Akin

Like, in that it takes no brain to say something as idiotic about pregnancies from rape as, “It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Yeah …. not much more to say about that. I mean, if it’s “legitimate” rape—as opposed to that pesky “illegitimate” kind—then somehow a woman’s body will figure it out and not get pregnant. That’s Health 101 stuff right there, that is …


Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably already know that the six-time Republican congressman from Missouri has now become the new poster child for “Open Mouth, Swallow Leg.” But what really cinched this week’s “Jerk of the Week” for Mr. Legitimate Rape Face—running for U.S. Senate in Missouri, lucky them—are comments like this from Akin’s Twitter feed:

“We can’t be intimidated by the liberal elite. I will continue to standing for life. Will you?”

“Donations are pouring in. Thank you for standing up against the liberal elite.”

And my personal favorite—

“I apologized but the liberal media is trying to make me drop out.”

Really? Didn’t realize that Mitt Romney is part of the liberal elite, but hey, I guess a Republican like Akin would know better than us. You know, unless he had no brain.

In case you’ve misplaced your brain, let me remind you that Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History comes out on Sept. 18. If you’re worried about forgetting, then pre-order it now at

Aug 192012

So as we count down to the launch of Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History—why yes, it’s still available for preorder via Amazon, thanks for asking—I’ll be continuing to ramp up the jerk promo machine. In addition to “Jerk of the Week,” I’ll have a few other CT jerk goodies.

In that vein, I couldn’t include every bit of research and every jerk story in the book, so there’s some bonus material, so to speak. And no one who I wrote about provided more great material than William Stuart, who it turns out, is *by far* my favorite jerk. If you decide that you only want to read one chapter, then I implore you to make it Chapter 15, “William Stuart: The (Allegedly) Most Celebrated Jerk in Connecticut History.”

My primary source for Staurt’s story is his autobiography, modestly titled Sketches of the Life of William Stuart: The First and Most Celebrated Counterfeiter of Connecticut, As Given by Himself. I read the entire thing from cover to cover, and it’s just wonderful as he’s an amazing storyteller. I don’t know if everything he wrote is true—and I’m sure there’s more than a healthy amount of embellishment—but even if a tenth of his stories are true, that’s enough. A true “rogue,” as he constantly refers to himself.

I was able to find a photocopied version of the original book, which was published in 1854—apparently there was a project where someone took old texts, photocopied the pages and bound them together. It’s okay for reading, but I needed an image of Stuart, and there’s one on the cover page. In the photocopy version I have, it’s blurred beyond use, but I found out that the Connecticut State Library had an original version in its archives; I arranged to take some pictures of it—

Ol’ Bill was a handsome devil, no?

For the record: I’ve never had an urge to steal anything in my life … until I had this book in my hands. I truly wanted to run out of the library with it, I love this story so much.

Anyway, as it’s now in the public domain you could probably find some versions of it around, but I thought I’d share a little excerpt from it to give you an idea of what a rascal Stuart was. This passage comes right after he was jailed for being caught trying to swallow one of his counterfeit bills and sent off to the jail in Danbury.

I was kept here through the winter, and all of the succeeding summer, until September. Of a truth I was active in something, and proved to be a great annoyance to Mat. Curtiss, the jailer. I would hoot in the night season, rouse him from sleep by hideous noises, and disturb him in any way I could. I contrived to cheat him in diverse ways, and he often told me that he wished I was out of sight and hearing. The rats annoyed him beyond measure, and they would gnaw all night, making as much noise as a dozen buzz saws. Curtiss told me that for every rat that I would catch, he would give me a gill of rum.

Through the plank floor of the prison the rats had gnawed a hole, and every night they would come out and work about the room. I set an Indian trap by the rat-hole and tied the bait upon on long stick in the middle of the room, and the first evening the rat came out, went to the bait and sprung my trap so as to shut the rat hole. Next morning I called to Curtiss that a rat was caught, and he brought me the gill of rum, requested me to kill it, and throw it out of the grates’ window. I had a box stove in the room, in which I put the rat, fed him well, and next morning, let him in the room and cried out to the jailer that I had caught another rat. He told me to kill it and cast it out of the window, and then brought the gill of grog. I put him into the stove for the next morning, and then reported another rat, and received my gill of rum. So I managed with the rat for a whole month, had my grog regularly every morning until one night I left the hole open and the rat escaped.

I tried in vain to trap another, but this old fellow had given his rat brethren the hint, and not another entered my cell. I had become attached to the roguish creature, and he was good company and enabled me to cheat the jailer out of my grog, although I had money enough to buy with. Men in confinement are always pleased with any living animal; their presence seems to while away the tedious hours. Perhaps I valued my rat friend more because the whole race of them get their living by roguery and cunning. At any rate, he was a favorite, and I would not have lost him for money.

I contrived further to busy myself  by constructing an Indian bow, and made an arrow to fit it, with a hooked barb in the end. When Mrs. Curtiss washed the clothing of the family, she suspended them on the line in the rear of the jail. I fasted a cord to the arrow and shot it into the clothes, then drew them in through the grates. In two hours I brought everything from the line, and put them under my bunk.

In the morning there was a great outcry that the clothes were stolen, and Curtiss raved and spoke harshly. While he was in the yard swearing, I asked him, “What will you give me to tell you where they are?”

Said he, “I will treat you.”

“No, no,” I replied, “Give me a gallon of rum and I will tell you.”

“I will give you a pint,” said Curtiss.

“Give me the gallon and I will tell you, nothing less.”

With much reluctance he brought it in, and poured it in a tin pail, saying, “How do you know who stole them?”

“Ah,” said I, “I keep guard about your house while you sleep, for the rogues would have carried you off long ago, and given you your desserts, had it not been for me.”

“Now,” said the jailer, “tell me where the clothes are, or pay me for the rum.” I lifted up my bed, and there they lay. Curtiss said, “Oh, you devil you, who handed them in to you?” I showed him my bow and arrow, and the string attached to it, and gave him a specimen of my Indian skill. Said he, “You are the greatest curse that ever lived.”

But not, I replied, “the greatest fool in Danbury.”

Curtiss said, “Stuart, I will chain you!”

“That’s right,” said I, “I hate to be neglected!”

“Blast you,” you said, “I will not let you go on in your way.”

“That’s right, that’s right,” said I. “You are a good, kind man, and ought to be in Congress instead of staying here in this old rotten, stinking jail.”

He took up the bundle of clothes and went out with a loud laugh saying, “I never heard of such a provoking devil as you.”

Or such a wonderful jerk.


Aug 152012

Gotta say right up front, I find the story of this jerk pretty damned amusing.

This week’s JERK OF THE WEEK is

Csanad Szegedi

Who in the blue hell is that? you’re no doubt asking yourself (you know, if you talked to yourself like you were The Rock).  Well, that makes sense. Unless you’re a member of the Hungary’s Jobbik political party—or deeply anti-semitic—chances are that you’re not familiar with Mr. Szegedi.

Here’s a description of him from The New York Times:

As a rising star in Hungary’s far-right Jobbik Party, Csanad Szegedi was notorious for his incendiary comments on Jews: He accused them of “buying up” the country, railed about the “Jewishness” of the political elite and claimed Jews were desecrating national symbols.

Szegedi is also “a founding member of the Hungarian Guard, a group whose black uniforms and striped flags recalled the Arrow Cross, a pro-Nazi party which briefly governed Hungary at the end of World War II and killed thousands of Jews.”

Charming fellow, right?

The real key here to all this is the word “was.” In a turn of events that seems as if it was orchestrated by M. Night Shayamalan or came straight out of an Alanis Morissette song, it has come to light that Szegedi himself is actually Jewish.

Again, from the Times.

Following weeks of Internet rumors, Szegedi acknowledged in June that his grandparents on his mother’s side were Jews — making him one too under Jewish law, even though he doesn’t practice the faith. His grandmother was an Auschwitz survivor and his grandfather a veteran of forced labor camps.

Apparently, Szegedi’s grandparents hid their heritage from their family to protect them from persecution from narrow-minded hateful bigots such as their own grandson. Awkward!

Of course, I immediately thought of Clayton Bigsby from “Chappelle’s Show” (Warning: Absolutely NSFW language).

When Szegedi was confronted with the evidence—and after he got his jaw off the floor and the shpilkes out of his genechtagazoink—he immediately tried to hush it up, offering cash and political favors to make his bitter truth go away. No such luck.

After being publicly exposed, Szegedi then tried to claim that he’s never made any disparaging comments about Jews, despite an abundance of evidence—TV interviews and his own speeches, for examples—to the contrary.

The good news is that because of everything, Szegadi has been forced to give up his political party power, and is currently being called on to resign his seat in the European Parliament. Of course, I don’t quite understand why he would be asked to step down now—it seems as though the anti-semitic agenda would’ve been frowned upon from the start, rather than after this startling revelation—but the fact that somehow karma and/or irony has come back to kick him in his jerk ass, is all good by me.

So to Csanad Szegedi, I say congrats on being named JERK OF THE WEEK!

Oh, and mazel tov!

And coincidentally, Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History hits bookstores on Rosh HaShanah, Sept. 18. Or if you want to be a mensch, feel free to pre-order it from Amazon.

Aug 082012

Who among us doesn’t love a pussy riot? Apparently, this week’s JERK OF THE WEEK!

Vladimir Putin

That’s right comrades, Russian president Vladimir Putin (in red, because he’s a commie, obviously) is this week’s jerk.

Although Putin has a long history of tyrannical rule and generally being oppressive in areas regarding civil liberties, he has taken his jerkery to a new level recently, for attempting to impose his will by imprisoning three members from the Russian all-girl band Pussy Riot.

They look like harmless little ladies, no?

Anyway, three members of the band—Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Yekaterina Samutsevich—have been in jail for five months, and now face seven years in prison for “hooliganism” for their music, which is anti-government, and more specifically, anti-Putin.

Yes, they have been imprisoned for singing songs against the mighty Russian president.

Here are some of their lyrics from one song:

Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away.
Put Putin away, put Putin away.

And here’s a refrain from “Putin Got Scared”:

Revolt in Russia — the charisma of protest
Revolt in Russia — Putin got scared
Revolt in Russia — We exist!
Revolt in Russia — Riot! Riot!

Okay, with lyrics like that they could be accused of crimes against humanity but so could anything the Black-Eyed Peas have written and you don’t see Will.I.Am in shackles. (Yet.) Maybe it loses something in translation, da? Still, they’re only singing songs, granted, ones that inspire a revolutionary spirit. I suppose it’s possible that they don’t have the old “sticks and stones may break my bones” adage in Mother Russia. They do like bears on bikes, so it’s not an all-bad place.

Regardless, Putin is a jerk for encouraging this to happen, but what locks it up for him is this (from this AP story): Putin said last week that the punishment should not be “too severe.”

Too severe?!! How about “Putin says, ‘Geez, they’re only a bunch of crazy musicians expressing themselves—maybe there SHOULDN’T BE ANY PUNISHMENT AT ALL!”

Then again, if he did say that, then he wouldn’t be a jerk, now would he?

And remember little blogeroos, Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History (sadly, pussy riot free), comes out on Sept 18. Express your freedom by pre-ordering it from Amazon.


Aug 022012

So to help promote my upcoming book, Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History, which is scheduled to hit bookshelves on Sept. 18, but [*shameless plug alert*] is available for pre-order from, I thought I’d try out a new feature here.

As you may have guessed, it’s called:


(Like the colors? Took me extra to do that, but anything for you, dear blogeroos.)

I’m reasonably sure you can figure out the concept by the title, so let’s just get to it, shall we?

So the inaugural JERK OF THE WEEK, for Aug. 1, 2012 is …

Jerry Sandusky!

Okay, now I know you’re saying, “Uh, gee … going out on a limb there, ain’t ya’? This guy could be JERK OF THE CENTURY” But the reason—aside from the horrifyingly obvious—why I’m picking Mr. Ped State this week is for his comments from earlier today.

Apparently, according to his attorney Joe Amendola, in regard to the NCAA’s punishment of the Nittany Lions for his scandal, Jerry Sandusky said, “To do what they’re doing to Penn State is so unjust.” Amendola added that Sandusky “loves the program and he loves the university.”

Yeahhhh … that’s Uncle Jerry, just full of love for everyone, which is pretty much how he got in trouble in the first place.

That aside—is Sandusky fracking kidding or what?! He’s upset about the sanctions—a bunch of wins vacated, loss of scholarships and post-season eligibility and a $60 million fine, among other actions—against an athletic program and a university that turned a blind eye to his abhorrent crimes for better than a decade?! He’s taking issue with the disciplinary actions against the school that looked the other way while he casually went about RAPING YOUNG BOYS?!!!! Are you serious?!

Look, I’m no legal expert or PR guru, but I’m pretty sure after you’re convicted of such heinous acts in a court case where your own adopted son was ready to take the stand against you because you raped him too, you NEED TO SHUT THE FRACK UP … FOREVER!!! Seriously, no one anywhere gives a rodent’s posterior what you think about ANYTHING, let alone what happens to a lousy football program and an administration that ignored the fact that you were [*insert your own crass metaphors for the rape of young boys here*]! Just shut your rape hole, crawl under a rape rock and go the rape away!

But then, you gotta love this nugget (from the linked ESPN article):

“He continues to believe that the truth will come out at some point, and that he’ll get another trial or another opportunity to establish his innocence,” Amendola said.

Really?! Really and truly?! That’s a special kind of jerkery, that right there is.

Congratulations Jerry Sandusky. In case anyone, anywhere doubted it—which I’m pretty sure they didn’t—you, sir, are the Jerk of The Week! I only hope your new roommates deliver your “award” in a way that you might appreciate. Repeatedly.


Jul 182012

All right … it’s exactly two months to Sept. 18, the official publication date for Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut Historyavailable for pre-order from Amazon, in case you’ve forgotten—you can expect me to try and ratchet up the hype machine!

Of course, those of you who know me know that I am absolutely terrible at promoting myself, but I’m hoping to be better at it by the time this book is actually out. Heck, I may even be able to acknowledge that I am a “published author” by then.

In the meantime, I thought I’d put another little snippet out there for you to try, this time an excerpt from Chapter 9, entitled “P.T. Barnum, Prince of the Humbugs.” (Again, as with the Benedict Arnold chapter, this was not the title I chose, but the one the publisher picked. My original was “P.T. Barnum, Prince of the Jerks,” for what it’s worth.) That’s ol’ P.T. peeking down from the top of the book, by the way—and my name in tiny print by the bottom.

In case you’re wondering, I stretched the definition of jerk a bit so I could include a wider range of stories that I thought people would enjoy reading. Barnum is definitely in the category of lovable jerk, a guy who enthusiastically embraced the huckster and con persona in the pursuit of entertainment—and fantastic wealth! His is one of the most amazing stories in Connecticut history, and one certainly worth including.

I picked this short section in honor of the fact that I’m traveling back to Cortland, New York, for a few days at the end of next week for New York Jets training camp. (I like to say that I’m going as an envoy of, but the truth is that I’m big football nerd.) A few years ago when I went, I made a side trip to the Farmer’s Museum in Cooperstown specifically to see the Cardiff Giant, which was one of the biggest hoaxes of the 19th century.

Here’s Barnum’s part in the story, from an uncorrected proof of the book. Enjoy!


Barnum is credited for saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute” (a jerk-like proclamation if there ever was one), but as it turns out, the great showman may never have said it—although it may have been said about him and his unmatched ability to separate people from their money. In this particular instance, Barnum was actually hoaxing a bunch of hoaxers, and in turn, hoaxing everyone else.

In 1869, a remarkable discovery was made at the farm of William “Stub” Newell in upstate New York, near the small town of Cardiff. While having a well dug on his property, the farmer claimed that workers had unearthed the petrified remains of a human being who measured over ten feet in height! Dubbing the find the “Cardiff Giant,” Newell set up at tent and charged twenty-five cents a head to see the amazing sight. Thousands showed up, and before long, he was able to sell a portion of the rights for $30,000 to a group of investors led by David Hannum, who moved it to Syracuse so even more could witness the wonder.

As soon as Barnum heard about the fantastic artifact, he sent an agent to investigate. The agent reported the details—including the size of the crowds lining up to see it—to Barnum, who then immediately made an offer of $50,000 to Hannum for the rights to display it in his New York City museum. The offer was rejected.

Being a jerk—and recognizing a scam when he saw one—Barnum knew exactly what to do. He had his own ancient behemoth carved and put it on exhibition in his museum. He then told people that he had acquired the real Cardiff Giant, and that the other one up in Syracuse was a fake!

With the full fury of Barnum’s media might behind it, his Cardiff Giant was soon outdrawing the original one, which didn’t sit well with Hannum. Knowing that Barnum’s was phony, he allegedly made the enduring “sucker” comment about those going to see it.

Hannum then sued Barnum for libel for suggesting that his Syracuse Cardiff Giant was a fraud. When the case went before a judge, however, Stub Newell, the farmer who originally discovered it, was forced to admit under oath that he and a partner had created the figure, and then had planted it to be found by the unsuspecting farm hands. It had been a hoax from the start, thus the charges against Barnum were dismissed since he had been accurate in calling the other giant a fake.


Jun 132012

Okay, this week I received my manuscript for Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History (available for pre-order from Amazon, by the way) for what should be close to the final round of editing.

Here’s a rayality exclusive excerpt from Chapter 1, “BENEDICT ARNOLD: FROM HERO TO TRAITOR TO SCOURGE” (Not the chapter title I suggested, for the record.) I really like Arnold’s story because many people don’t realize that up until the moment he turned traitor, he was arguably the biggest hero of the American revolution, which made his treachery even more devastating.

This excerpt covers to an extent how Arnold gained that “hero” reputation.

Oh, and keep in mind this is still in the process of being edited, so it may change by the time you read it in print.

Although being recognized by many high-ranking officers for his valor and leadership, Arnold reached a breaking point when in February 1777 the Continental Congress promoted five junior officers over him. Enraged, he set out for Philadelphia to address the situation.

Being a man of action, however, Arnold couldn’t stand idly by whenever there was a scrap to be had. After learning of a British attack on Danbury while on a brief visit in New Haven, he immediately rode to the scene to lead the local forces in a counterattack that would become known as the Battle of Ridgefield. During the fight, his horse was shot out from under him and landed on his bad leg, further aggravating his old wound. While pinned under his horse, he was also nearly captured, but managed to fend off his attackers and escape. Even after having a second horse shot out from under him during the engagement, Arnold was able to lead his Connecticut countrymen in repelling the British, inflicting heavy enemy losses.

His most bitter enemies in the Continental Congress couldn’t deny his part in the victory, and begrudgingly promoted Arnold to major general, which was a step up, but not to the level that he felt was commensurate with his performance. Rather than indulge in petty behind-the-scenes politics, he believed his on-the-battlefield successes should speak for themselves. Commander-in-Chief George Washington tried to intercede on Arnold’s behalf, submitting a letter to the Continental Congress stating, “It is needless to say anything of this gentleman’s military character. It is universally known that he has always distinguished himself as a judicious, brave officer of great activity, enterprise and perseverance.” The letter was ignored.

After the failure of Washington’s recommendation, Arnold decided that he’d had enough of political games.

Timing is everything, however, and on July 11, 1777, just as Arnold was going to deliver his formal resignation, word came that Fort Ticonderoga had fallen back into British control. Again, despite the perceived insult from the Continental Congress, Arnold could not help himself when Washington offered him an opportunity to return to battle. Bad feelings were put aside (temporarily) and, still miffed, Arnold quickly made his way back to upstate New York.

Once there, Arnold found himself in the middle of another personality clash, this time between Continental Army generals Horatio Gates and Philip Schuyler. He threw his support behind Schuyler, which did not particularly endear himself to Gates and would soon cause him more angst.

Arnold’s first task was to retake nearby Fort Stanwix, for which he was given nine hundred men. The British had far superior numbers, but through a cunning ruse, Arnold made them believe that his force was the larger. Not wanting to risk a major defeat, the Redcoats quickly withdrew. Arnold took the fort with no resistance, and mission accomplished, returned to the main force.

However, the army gathered was now under the full command of Gates, and the assertive Arnold regularly clashed with the conservative general, a situation that came to a head at the end of October 1777 in Saratoga. During the Battle of Freeman’s Farm, Arnold had favored taking the attack to the British, under the command of General John Burgoyne, while Gates had wanted to strike a more defensive stance. During the early part of the multiday engagement, Arnold discovered that Gates was not only countermanding Arnold’s orders, but was also sending reports to the Continental Congress discrediting Arnold’s contributions. He confronted Gates through a series of angry letters, which of course, were not well received. Gates immediately relieved Arnold of his command for insubordination.

Incensed, Arnold was ready to leave Saratoga, but his fellow officers recognized that his battlefield leadership was desperately needed with “Granny” Gates in charge, and signed a petition requesting he stay. Arnold relented and remained, which would become a momentous decision.

Pride wounded and beside himself, Arnold fumed in his tent as the Battle of Bemis Heights began to unfold. Forbidden to participate, he tried to keep abreast of the fight, but watching was near maddening. Finally, unable to stand idly by any longer while the skirmish continued all around him—he could see Gates sitting in his own tent, quietly minding the action from the sidelines— Arnold burst forth from his tent, leapt on his black stallion, Warren, and thundered into the fight.

Keep in mind that Arnold’s traitorous actions were still in the future—at this point, the sight of the fiery patriot ignoring what seemed like timid orders, calling any brave men who would follow him into the fray, and then riding right into the fury of the British assault, was stirring. Sometimes being a jerk can be a benefit, and this was one of those moments. Ignoring the fact that he had no official command, the troops fell in behind the impassioned Arnold as he led a bold strike at the heart of the British lines.

It worked. Spurred on by Arnold at the head of the charge atop his faithful steed, sword aloft and bellowing orders while bullets and cannonballs whizzed past, the American forces rallied and began to turn back the Redcoats.

Victory at hand, Arnold crashed through the enemy line and personally took the fight to the British. His mount was shot out from under him, but undeterred, Arnold continued his frenzied attack. A bullet soon felled him, however, striking his troubled leg. Badly wounded yet still exhorting his men on, he finally yielded so that he could be dragged off the battlefield.

Even though Arnold had fallen, the now-inspired Americans did not, and the day’s victory was the beginning of the end for the British in upstate New York. Ten days after Arnold’s stunning act of bravery in the Battle of Saratoga, Burgoyne surrendered, a key turning point in the war—France decided to lend much-needed support to the fledgling country and its revolution against the English crown.

Because of Arnold’s undisputed courage at Saratoga, however, the Continental Congress had no choice but to award Arnold the full promotion and recognition that he had previously been seeking. If at that point he had simply gone home fully vindicated and spent the rest of the war healing from his wounds—which had essentially crippled him—he’d be remembered as one of the great heroes in American history.

Being a jerk, however, Benedict Arnold couldn’t leave well enough alone. . . .

Again, Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History is available for pre-order from Amazon. It will be in bookstores in September. I’m sure I’ll *probably* mention this again between now and then.


Apr 092012

Not sure where I ‘m going with this, but it’s been weighing heavy on my mind … and by “heavy,” I mean it’s a slightly larger tangent of the billion or so bouncing around my skull.

Kim Kardashian has 14 million Twitter followers.

14,000,000, 14 thousand thousand or 14 x ×106 for you mathletes.

Like many of the other of millions who don’t follow her, I ask: “Why?”

I get that she’s a “celebrity,” although I truly, honestly and thoroughly don’t understand why that even is. Yes, this is ground that Joel McHale used to cover on “The Soup” years ago—that this woman seems to have found fame and fortune by doing nothing other than being the daughter of someone quasi-famous and then “accidentally” releasing a sex tape.

Hey, I’ve had sex and my dad is a legend in the Boy Scout community, yet I only have 50 Twitter followers …

Okay, let’s quickly mentally bleach away those thoughts…

Regardless, Ms. Kardashian has no discernible talent other than being an incredible media whore. She doesn’t sing, act, dance, paint, hit a baseball, compose sonnets, juggle chainsaws or have any other worthwhile skill. She claims to be “a business woman,” but does anyone think for a second she’s ever studied economics, can explain the fallacy of consumption or can even put together her own PowerPoint presentation? She’s claims to be a fashion and style maven, but can you picture her actually cutting out clothing patterns or sewing together her own garment prototypes? Would she even know how to work a pair of scissors? She’s certainly not the worst-looking woman out there, I’ll give her that, but she’s no Ava Gardner….

I mean, come on.

Ms. Kardashian isn’t amusing or funny (intentionally), nor does she even seem to be a particularly kind, charming or interesting person. She’s not a role model to whom any rational or sensible parent would want their child to aspire. She doesn’t contribute much to culture or society, other than when she’s caught in a lie, say like her sham wedding.

In other words, she’s famous for just … being.

That sound you heard coming from the far side of the Atlantic is Rene Descartes spinning like an existential top in his grave(s—his remains are kept in one place while his brain is the Musée de l’Homme in Paris).

Yet Ms. Kardashian profits greatly from sucking the attention and energy from the rest of us. She allegedly banked $20 million from her orchestrated “marriage,” and I seem to remember seeing recently that she was worth about $35 million.

In the well-chosen words of “Mad Men” actor Jon Hamm, “stupidity” and being a “f–king idiot” have proven to be quite the valuable commodities in this day and age.

I wish that after her phony televised union, the sheeple were beginning to catch on to her vapid, self-absorbed machinations, but like a bad penny, she keeps finding her way into the headlines. Last week she got powder-bombed, and then there were rumors that she was now canoodling with Kanye West (also known for his media whoring abilities). And then she wasn’t. And then they were caught out together.

Now, you may be saying, “Gosh, for someone you seem to detest, you seem to know a lot about her.”

The funny thing is that I’ve made a conscious effort to NEVER click on a story about her. All the stuff you’ve read above has been gleaned from “The Soup,” other media outlets or simply taking notice of headlines. You really can’t avoid her, even here in rayality.

So why am I wasting my valuable time on this subject? In a grass-roots effort to stop it.

My solution for collapsing the black hole of attention that is Kim Kardashian is derived—like so many other of life’s answers—from an episode of “The Simpsons.” (I would’ve embedded the clip but apparently FOX’s copyright gestapo has eradicated all the “The Simpsons” clips from YouTube.)  In the iconic “Treehouse of Horror VI: Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores,” an ionic storm brings the giant advertising figures (such as Lard Boy) around Springfield to life. As usual, Lisa saves the day by figuring out that they are being sustained by pure attention, and quickly enlists the aid of songwriter Paul Anka to defeat the media monsters with a catchy little ditty.

The scene—

Lisa: [speaking] Hey, Springfield! Are you suffering from the heartbreak of … monster-itis? Then take a tip from Mr. Paul Anka!

Paul Anka: [singing and playing electronic keyboard]
To stop those monsters, one-two-three,
Here’s a fresh new way that’s trouble-free,
It’s got Paul Anka’s guarantee … [winks]

Lisa: Guarantee void in Tennessee.

Paul Anka and Lisa:
Just don’t look! Just don’t look!

Just don’t look! Just don’t look!
Just don’t look! Just don’t look!
Just don’t look! Just don’t look!

As the denizens of Springfield start ignoring the attention-starved creatures, they quickly die.

So that’s my plan when it comes to Kim Kardashian: Just don’t look! I won’t watch TV shows about her, click on stories about her, re-tweet any of her inane tweets or even joke or write about her again. (In case you didn’t notice, none of the links in this post go to any Kardashian-related stories.) From here on out, rayality will be a Kardashian-free zone.

I know one person going against 14 million are not good odds, but hey, I’ve got to try. Please feel free to join me in my boycott. I’m not saying we have to hate on Kim (although you’re welcome to), I’m just saying let’s ignore her.

Today, we stop paying attention to Kim Kardashian. Tomorrow, we find something worthwhile to do instead. Me, I’m starting with re-arranging my sock drawer.